War in Siegen
I made drawings related to different historical pictures of my hometown Siegen in Germany. The pictures show Siegen massively destroyed during and after the Second World War.
2009, pencil drawing on paper.
Luftangriff is a drawing on how Siegens old town looked like when it was bombed in 1944.
2009, pencil drawing on paper.
Brückenstrasse is showing an old bridge in Siegen down town that was destroyed in 1945. Today the street is named Badstrasse.
2009, pencil drawing on paper.
Todeswand is showing the Kaisergarten-Bunker where a Russian laborer was killed in 1945.
Braunes Haus
2009, pencil drawing on paper.
Braune Haus showing the house in the Hindenburgstrasse that was occupied by the Nazis in 1933 till 1945.
Alte Poststrasse
2009, pencil drawing on paper.
Alte Poststrasse destroyed street in Siegen.
2009, pencil drawing on paper, detail.
Luftangriff is a drawing on how Siegens old town looked like when it was bombed in 1944.